How does acupuncture works?

While working here in the States, I've been asked a lot how exactly acupuncture works - the mechanics behind it. Folks are naturally curious! This wasn't a question I got too much back when I was practicing in China. But I'm glad you asked because it's an important thing to explain.

Now from the Western medicine side, they see acupuncture as stimulating certain points on the body using those hair-thin needles. And that stimulation causes reactions in your nervous system, influencing things like pain relief and healing. The Chinese medicine view is different - it looks at acupuncture as restoring the flow of energy, or Qi, throughout meridians in your body.. Here is a brief explanation of how acupuncture works from both Western medicine and Chinese medicine perspectives:

Western Medicine view:

  • Acupuncture involves inserting very thin needles into specific points on the body. This stimulates the nervous system and can cause the release of endorphins, which are natural pain relievers.

  • It may also influence the body's innate healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being. The needles may stimulate blood flow and nerve impulses, which can modulate pain signals and other physiological functions in the body.

  • From a neuroscience perspective, acupuncture points correspond to nerve bundles and triggering these points releases neurotransmitters that activate certain brain regions and the nervous system. This helps regulate bodily systems.

Chinese Medicine view:

  • In Chinese medicine, acupuncture aims to regulate the flow of Qi (vital energy) along meridians or pathways in the body. When Qi is balanced and flowing freely, health and wellbeing improve.

  • Inserting needles at specific acupoints can unblock any obstructions and re-establish the proper flow of Qi. This restores harmony between Yin and Yang energies in the body and promotes self-healing.

  • The meridian system connects over 300 acupoints that correlate to specific organs and physiological functions. Targeting these with acupuncture needles restores optimal Qi flow and resolves disharmony, pain, illness.

So in summary, while Eastern and Western medicine have different explanatory models, both perspectives see acupuncture as a way to stimulate certain points in the body to achieve beneficial therapeutic effects and promote healing.


Dr. Zhang's additional view of oriental medicine